Trust is a Precious Gift
Photo by Lisa Fotios from Pexels

Trust is a precious gift. It is a treasure. It is without measure. You cannot trust just a little bit. Either you trust or you don’t trust. Then trust, once committed to, can grow and produce greatness. Trust can unlock doors to secret rooms in your soul.

Trust me. Trust not because you feel you have to, not from obligation. Don’t trust because you think it’s the right thing to do. Don’t trust me because you’re afraid not to. Do not trust for any reason other than that you simply desire to. Trust me because your own heart whispers to you to do so. Trust because it is a desire that burns within you. Its flame is greater than the embers that tell you to fear and run. Trust me in your valiance, with your fierce heart.

And here is my secret I share with you – I trust you.

I know you. You are my beloved. You are precious to me. I know that you will turn from the voice that says you are evil, that you are useless, that you are lost and cannot find your way. I know you will turn from doubt and from the mantra that says you cannot be trusted.

You are trusted. I trust you. I trust you with all of creation. I trust you with your future, with your joy and your delight. I trust you because I already know you. I know the beauty and the integrity in you, weaved into your very being. I know your strength to choose that which will support you over that which will lock you in a closet.

Step out and trust me today. Step out and trust yourself. For when you trust me you will begin to see your value. You will see the truth of your being. And, you will then know you can trust you; you can trust yourself. No longer will you have an urgency to run or to lock yourself away. You will trust that you can stand tall as a blade of grass. Though the wind blows and it sways, it is not broken. It continues upright in its glory, even as you do, my precious.

I trust you because I know you better than you know yourself. I know that when you begin to see as I see, you will respond fully, and you will lift your arms as a child to her father and say without hesitation, “Here I am. I trust you.”

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