Category General

I’m Taking a Break

I’m writing today to say I’ve got nothing to say today. Yep, after posting consistently for the past three years, I’m taking a break from my blog. I’ve been remembering the workshop I enjoy teaching about how to run effective…

Create Magic

To create magic in the world, own the magic within yourself. Follow your heart. Listen to it. Trust it. It knows more than your head, and it knows that the world is waiting for you. It is waiting to witness…

Life is Yes And

Life is not this or that, yes or no, here or there. Life is yes and.  It is the culmination of all you have been and all that is yet to come. New experiences do not cancel out those that…

Spring Forward

It’s time to spring ahead, they tell us. Time to advance the clock an hour. . . (well, unless you’re in Hawaii or Arizona). But the rest of us, we will find we’ve lost an hour today.  That sends my…

Why Walk When You Can Dance?

Why walk when you can dance? Dance. In rhythm, out of rhythm, to silence or to music, in a line or in circles. There are no rules, only that we move as we feel. Dance into darkness and dispel our…

Farewell to 2022


Dear Year 2022, You fooled me. You let me think the year was going to stretch out and unfold slowly. That there was no rush, that there’s plenty of time for everything and everyone. Now the year is coming to…

I Got a Kimber Award!

Yay me! Yesterday I learned that I am one of seven authors to receive a prestigious KIMBER AWARD! Don’t know what that is? Check out the announcement on Pages & Paws where Kimber and Mom write my favorite book blogs.…