Category Keep Walking . . .

A Healing Place for Ritual

water flowing on the mossy rocks

Ritual. That’s a word, a practice, that I have despised and regarded as totally unnecessary throughout most of my life. Thankfully, I’m learning how wrong I was. Now I appreciate ritual. I sometimes long for it. Ritual can be elaborate…

Acknowledging Change and Loss

contemporary embankment in city in sunny day

Sometimes change – any change – feels like loss and brings us grief. Grief is part of the human experience. We all carry it at one time or another, over one loss or another, to one degree or another. The…

Your Heart Will Catch Up

the word resilience on pink surface

December 2022. The year is drawing to an end, making way for 2023. I often have chosen to ignore the change of one year to another, insisting that it’s really just another day. It’s a continuation of our life, not…

A Request for Assistance

Hey! So I see that my book is currently ranked 102 on Amazon’s top 100 list of books in the spiritual healing category. Could you help me nudge it on up by leaving a brief review on Amazon?  That is,…