You Belong

We all have that still, small voice within us – trying to get our attention, trying to get us to connect with ourselves. It has full knowledge and understanding of who we are, and I believe it actually commissions our DNA to bring our essence, our purpose, into the world.

It’s in our DNA. Think of a small plant that pokes its stem upward and unfurls its leaves above rich, dark soil to make itself known to the world, to be seen and admired. It stretches toward the sun, standing firm where it knows it belongs. That’s what its DNA drives it to do. As we listen to our inner voice, our DNA will also drive us. It will drive our true, inner self, out into the world to stand firmly, knowing that we belong. Authentically. Majestically.  

Yet time and time again we pierce the earth – that crusted shell around us — so that we can poke through and stand tall, assured in our being. . . our majestic being. But then we back away. We hunker down, complacent to once again sit just below the surface. Close enough to feel like we’re getting there,. . . almost ready, . . . but never quite stepping into our purpose, our essence, our reason for being.

Today is a good day to break through, to stand tall, and know that you belong.

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