Welcome Sunshine!

The sun is shining! That makes me want to kick my heels and dance. It makes me smile. It makes me feel hopeful. 

That’s because I live in the Pacific Northwest where we’ve had clouds, snow and rain for some time now. Rarely has the sun made an appearance recently. I’ve missed it. I now have a little more appreciation for the sun . . . its warmth, its glowing radiance, and the burst of energy it gives me. It makes me feel downright happy.

Now why didn’t I have that same appreciation and admiration for the sun when I lived in Phoenix – the Valley of the Sun?  Or in Southern California where most days have sunshine?

I paid it no mind. I took it for granted, and some days I even complained about it. But now I know its value. Now I welcome the sun and its glorious rays with open arms.

That makes me wonder what else I’m taking for granted now. What other goodness, treasure, or blessing am I not appreciating? All too often we have to lose something – or someone —  to realize what is important to us. I think this change of weather just might be a good time to stop and reflect, and to express gratitude for what we so easily take for granted. 

I am grateful for the sun, yes; but also for the clouds that fill gray skies and blue skies. I’m thankful for their beauty and for the cooling they provide when the sun is a bit too ambitious.

I’m grateful for clean water to drink, and am reminded that not everyone has such a blessing. I will not take it for granted.

I’m grateful for my healthy cells that work faithfully, and joyfully, to bring healing and restoration throughout my body.

I’m grateful for a lot, and I won’t bore you with a long list. I encourage you to make a list of your own and take a while out in the sun to reflect on it.

And yet, I must mention one more thing. I am also grateful for you for reading this post, and sharing it with others, and sharing your experience with me. I appreciate our connectedness and community, and I will not take that for granted.  Thank you.

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