The Music of Nature
Photo by Wolfram K from Pexels

Listen, my beloved, to the music of nature that surrounds you. Open your ears. Hear creation calling out in serenade to you. Music. It’s in the gentleness of the wind that gushes past, and in the soft breeze that blows and unsettles the crisp autumn leaves on the weeping trees. That is music.

It’s in the falling of the withered leaves as they descend from the branch, landing gently in growing piles of more and more leaves, settling into a soft place to await the winter winds to blow them out of sight. That is music of nature.

It is soft and subtle. Most people will never hear it. They will cover it and be distracted by the sounds that man has created – the traffic in the streets, the horns, the screeching brakes, the incessant talking. Come away from that, my beloved. It weighs heavy on your heart. It saddens your soul and dampens the fire of your spirit. Come away from it.

Come anew into the forest and rest your feet in a bubbling stream, following its course without worry of how it sounds, where it’s going or if it fits the pattern followed by other waters. It joyously moves along, singing its song as it strikes the boulders and the pebbles along its way. Joyously singing. Joyously moving, free and uninhibited.

Each piece of creation has its song. Without effort and without planning, it all comes into harmony. That’s my orchestra. That’s my symphony.

And you, my precious, are the soloist given to grace its rhythm, to sing truth over the backdrop of this symphony. It has all come together to accompany your song, your voice.

Open wide and let your soul pour forth in jubilation and in praise. Sing a new song. Yea, the strength and love in you will be awakened and will rekindle that which you thought was lost. It has gone nowhere. It has only been dormant, waiting for the conductor to summon it, and I summon it now. It’s time.

Sing. Give your voice to new song, in oneness with all of creation. You are my soloist. I listen. I hear love. I lift my hands in applause and thanksgiving for you.

from Joy Unfolding: Messages for the Guarded Heart


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