Tag gratitude

I Am Thankful.

We celebrated Thanksgiving this week. I did a lot of reflecting on the blessings in my life and on the many things for which I am thankful. Maybe you did, too. Here is my short list. I am thankful for…

Give What You Treasure

Something for nothing. All over the world people look for what they might get, what they can gain. Yet who looks for what they might give, what they can contribute? Many live upside down in this thought. They are happy…

May I Have This Dance?

My precious child, may I have this dance? Will you come with me to the middle of the dance floor? To the clearing in the forest? To the meadow where the sun glistens? Come with me. Hear the music. Feel…

The Music of Nature

Listen, my beloved, to the music of nature that surrounds you. Open your ears. Hear creation calling out in serenade to you. Music. It’s in the gentleness of the wind that gushes past, and in the soft breeze that blows…