A Spa Day Musing

I enjoyed a special treat this week – a body scrub and massage at a Korean Spa. Absolutely wonderful! The technician scrubbed my whole body with a brillo pad. Well, it wasn’t really a brillo pad, but that’s what it felt like, and it sure did the job. I figure at least two pounds of dead skin was scrubbed away. I’m walking around exposing a whole new layer of skin today. So clean. So fresh. And relaxed from the massage that followed the scrub.

As I laid on the table, I marveled at how wonderful it was to let someone scrub away my outer layer of skin. The part that’s deadened, lifeless. My body is taken care of, I thought. Then my mind shifted to my soul. Wouldn’t it be nice to get the same treatment for my soul? To scrub off that outer layer – the thoughts, behaviors, and beliefs that have attached to me through the years. The persona that developed while I was trying to do the right thing, trying to be acceptable, trying to fit in. All those things that I took on that weren’t really me. Over the years they hardened me and covered the fresh, lively person that I know I truly am. Where’s a spa for that?

I don’t think a simple hour at the spa can take care of that. However, I can take care of it in daily routines as I brush my teeth and wash my face. As I do those physical activities each day I can picture those old beliefs that aren’t me are washed away. I can say simple statements which affirm who I am, my true value, my worth. I can look in the mirror and smile at myself, give myself a high five and a little love. That will do for now. Meanwhile, I feel so good!

One comment

  1. Oh my. goodness Cathay ! I just soaked my feet, scrubbed, filed, and smoothes them. Ha As I was reading this I was feeling my smooth feet, to your whole smooth body!!!! Ha ha What a feeling, and even better feeling when we come closer to this in our souls! Loved it.

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