My Secret Superpower

person sitting on bench under tree

What is my superpower? My area of expertise? Well, it’s not easy. Not everyone can do it, or at least not do it well. It’s a talent I’ve crafted and refined over a lifetime . . . and I’ve really…

Jaw-Dropping Awe

woman in gray sleeveless top standing indoors

You wanna know what makes my jaw drop in awe and my eyes grow moist? It’s the realization that the dream I seek, seeks me, too. I’m not alone in the dreaming. To know it’s not a one-way stretch, to…

Let Go and Refresh

couple carrying cardboard boxes in living room

We moved into our new home . . . with so much to unpack. Ay caramba! My routine was lost. My annual planning book, my favorite gel pen, my writing journal – all MIA. I almost went Missing In Action.…