Looking for Something?

When was the last time you looked forward to the day ahead of you? When you felt a renewed sense of purpose, knew where you were going and were excited about the journey ahead? If it’s been a while, then I’m so glad you’re here! You see, I know what being lost feels like . . . and I also know what it feels like to get back on purpose and live life fully in ways I never imagined. I want to help you get there, too.

I’ve learned to listen to the whisper of my inner voice and find the courage to follow it. Now I know I can do anything. I am unstoppable. I’ve owned that I am an amazing woman with a bright future, and now my mission is to help you as well. Why? Because . . .YOU can do anything. YOU are unstoppable. YOU are amazing!

Dance in the Meadow

What do you do when you become widowed, leave your church family of 45 years, retire from your job and move halfway across the country? You get real with yourself. Emerging from a season of loss and the unraveling of every belief and certainty I had so carefully cultivated, I began to sit in conversation with God. With God, not to God. Listening to the still, small voice of my spirit, our conversations went deep and released a well-spring of life and wisdom. Dance in the Meadow will leave you feeling inspired to reflect on your own life and to find answers to questions you didn’t know to ask. They will leave you knowing that you are not alone.

Keep Walking, Your Heart Will Catch Up

I invite you on a journey with me through  Keep Walking, Your Heart Will Catch Up. It’s the story of my pilgrimage, a spiritual journey and physical feat. Newly widowed and looking for direction for the next 30 years of my life, I hiked the Camino de Santiago, the centuries old 483-mile trail across northern Spain. Then I wrote a book about it.

A Beginner’s Guide to Finding Your Camino (Your Way)

My walk on the Camino de Santiago (Way of St. James) gave me renewed understanding of my life’s purpose and passion. My hope is that you find your purpose and passion also. That’s why I wrote this guide for you.

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